Bule Hora University Provides Computer Training for Secretaries and Messengers

Bule Hora University organized a computer training program for its secretaries and Messengers. The training aimed to enhance the participants' computer skills and enable them to use various software applications effectively.
The Director of ICT of Bule Hora University, Mr. Wondimagegn Shebara, delivered the opening remarks. He said that the training was beneficial and that it was important to acquire computer skills anytime and anywhere. He also urged them to keep learning and updating themselves with the latest technologies.
The team leader of the ICT training and consultancy department, Mrs. Jalatuu Tadase, also addressed the trainees. She said that the short-term training was effective if used properly and that the trainees would benefit from it if they implemented it. She advised them to practice what they learned and to seek feedback and support from the ICT department whenever needed.