Department of Accounting and Finance
Department of Accounting and Finance
Head, Department of Accounting and Finance
Name: Ms. Worke Chuluke MSC)
Office room: Block124, Aba Gada Jilo Mandho Building
Mobile: 0924937224
P.O.Box 144, Bule Hora, Ethiopia
Overview Department of Accounting and Finance
The Department of Accounting and Finance has been contributing towards meeting the country’s demand for trained human resource in the areas of accounting and finance since its establishment in 2011 in the name of the Department of Accounting and Finance under the College of Business & Economics (CBE).
The Department runs both graduate and undergraduate programs namely:
BA in Accounting and Finance (Regular and weekend); and
MSc in Accounting and Finance (Regular and weekend);
PhD In Accounting and Finance
The Department has currently more than 450 students in the undergraduate Accounting and Finance program. There are also more than 50 MSc students in the Accounting and Finance program.
The Accounting Department of the College of Business and Economics (CBE) strives to equip the present and future-leaders with knowledge of current and future accounting, auditing and finance practices and relevant skills through student–centered high quality, viable programs which are fully recognized by both private and public institutions in Ethiopia.
The Accounting Department seeks to sustain its growth and relevance through:
A highly educated and motivated faculty;
Relevant curriculum leading to an exceptional learning environment with full access to new technologies and computer-mediated learning;
Abundant intellectual capital created through scholarly activities;
A fully integrated international perspective;
A full understanding of employer needs obtained through constant monitoring of the business environment through linkage programs.
Objectives of the Department
A) Teaching and learning objectives:
The general objective of the Department of Accounting and Finance, in line with the BHU strategic objectives and mission, is to be a department of highly qualified instructors dedicated to preparing students for entry-level opportunities and long-term career success in accounting and finance providing a fulfilling experience for members of the faculty, and making meaningful contributions to the professional and academic communities at the national, regional and international levels.
The specific objectives of the Department are to:
Provide students with sufficient academic and professional base from which to pursue a career in accounting and finance to advance to further study and a potential academic career in accounting and finance;
Provide students with the skills necessary to apply their knowledge in the organizations and businesses in which they are employed;
Provide students with a solid basis on which they can adapt to changing techniques and practices in the business and professional world;
Attract and retain qualified students with the talents necessary to successfully complete their chosen degree programs.
B) Research Objectives
The Department also strives to conduct research that contributes directly to its role in providing education to students, (development of teaching materials, promotion of local relevance, assurance of international standard, development of business cases for teaching), encourages the intellectual development of our faculty, and meets the needs of the local and international business and academic communities
Accounting and Finance Department staffs
Ph.D. student in Accounting and Finance
Name: Mr Dilgasa Bedada (MSc)
Office room: Block124, Aba GadaJiloMandho Building
Mobile: 0920051977
P.O.Box 144, Bule Hora, Ethiopia