The staff of Bule Hora University Teaching Hospital donated blood.

According to the call given by the ministry of health that the teaching hospital based on voluntary work in the health sector should be done for two months, many works have been done and today has been completed to donate blood.

Dr. Hassan Boko, the Chief Clinical Director of Bule Hora University Teaching Hospital, who gave a statement regarding the general campaign and the blood donation program. Following the direction set in the country, for the past two months, in different woredas and teaching hospital, various works that are included in the voluntary package of the health sector have been carried out and free diabetes test and blood. Pressure test, ultrasound test of pregnant mothers, eye disease test and giving free medicines to prisoners in the zone prison and other health related works have been done for the past two months and today the program has been completed by donating blood.

Dr. Hassan Ayayzewum stated that the blood donation was done in cooperation with the Ethiopian Blood Bank Bule Hora branch staff and therefore he has cancelled the plan to collect 30-50 units of blood.